You are cordially invited to our PAC Annual General Meeting today Tuesday, April 30th in the school library.
At 5:30pm, the doors will open and we will have refreshments, sandwiches, desserts before the meeting. All are welcome. Please feel free to bring your child(ren) as there will be childminding provided.
At this meeting there will be nominations and elections of the PAC executives, as well as additional agenda items as per our general meetings that have taken place throughout the year.
As a reminder, all parents and guardians of UHE students are members of the PAC and entitled to a voice and a vote at PAC meetings.
As a reminder, all positions are open for nominations. A description of each position is below:
The Chair position may:
- speak on behalf of the council
- consult with council members
- preside at membership and executive meetings
- ensure that an agenda is prepared
- appoint committees where authorized by the membership or executive
- ensure that the council is represented in school and district activities
- ensure that council activities are aimed at achieving the purposes
- set out in the constitution
- be a signing officer
- submit an annual report
The Vice Chair position may:
- support the Chair
- assume the duties of the president in the president’s absence or upon request
- assist the Chair in the performance of his or her duties
- accept extra duties as required
- be a DPAC representative
- be a signing officer
- submit an annual report
The DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) position may:
- attend all DPAC meetings and represent, speak, and vote on behalf of the PAC
- maintain current registration of the PAC
- report regularly to the membership and executive on all matters relating to the DPAC
- seek and give input to the DPAC on behalf of the PAC
- receive, circulate, and post DPAC newsletters, brochures, and announcements
- receive and act on all other communications from the DPAC
- liaise with other parents and DPAC representatives
- submit an annual report
The Secretary position may:
- ensure that members are notified of meetings
- record and file minutes of all meetings
- keep an accurate copy of the constitution and bylaws, and make copies available to members upon request
- prepare and maintain other documentation as requested by the membership or executive
- issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the council
- ensure safekeeping of all records of the council
- may be a signing officer
- submit an annual report
The Treasurer position may:
- be a signing officer
- ensure all funds of the council are properly accounted for
- disburse funds as authorized by the membership or executive
- ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained
- report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive meetings
- make financial records and books of account available to members upon request
- have the financial records and books of account ready for inspection or audit annually
- with the assistance of the executive, draft an annual budget
- ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books of account in the treasurer’s absence
- submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting