University Highlands Elementary has been designated as a “Fair Trade School” – the first and only school in BC.
There are 25 Fair Trade schools across Canada. Becoming Fair Trade designated requires bringing together groups of engaged and knowledgeable members from a school’s community to ensure that fair trade and Fair Trade certified products are incorporated into a school’s activities and throughout the year.
At its core, the Fair Trade School Program is about educating Canada’s young leaders of tomorrow to understand the connection between our food supply and the people that grow our food on a daily basis. For teachers and students, fair trade provides a valuable framework to introduce these topics, and a chance to personally explore the impact to children and communities in the Global South.
When schools focus on fair trade, they show solidarity with children in poorer countries. When Fair Trade certified products are used, farmers’ children get a chance to go to school while their families have a brighter future. That connection brings us together in a powerful global movement for change.
By choosing Fair Trade products, workers and farmers are given the power to create better lives for themselves and enjoy sustainable communities.
Learn more about other Burnaby Schools’ efforts to support community and the environment.
Learn more about fair trade and other Fair Trade schools.
University Highlands Elementary FT School Certificate