Parking/Student Drop-Off


Our school is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold School. To achieve LEED Gold status the school was designed and built to meet strict environmental criteria. Encouraging walking or cycling to school, using public transportation and carpooling meet such criteria and with limited parking, are more likely to be chosen as transportation options. University Highlands is situated within UniverCity – a community built on principles of sustainability. The residences around our school were located so that families could walk to school in less than 5 minutes. Please consider the following:

  1. If you work on the mountain, park your car in your employee space and walk your child to school from the parking lot.
  2. Talk to other parents, meet in a lot and take turns walking all the kids to school.
  3. You may park under Nesters Market for 1 hour for free! Be sure to buy a 1 hour ticket & take it to the store for reimbursement.
  4. You are encouraged to use the designated drop-off zone on University High Street. It takes about 2 minutes to drive east, past the Tower Road turn-off, head North at the roundabout and come up the North side of University High Street to use the designated drop-off zone.

Useful links:

Parking and Sustainable Mobility

Road and Traffic Report

Visitor Parking


Thank you for your cooperation.