Enrolment: 400 and counting!
Principal: Lindsay Holliday
Trustee Liaison: Larry Hayes
Serving students in grades Kindergarten through seven, University Highlands Elementary School is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold building, the first of its kind in British Columbia. Nestled on top of Burnaby Mountain, beside the Simon Fraser University campus, we are surrounded by nature’s beauty. Inside, our school reflects our commitment to the environment with reclaimed building materials, natural lighting and green products. Skylights, solar panels and a living roof use nature respectfully to help manage the building’s climate.
At University Highlands we believe in and work toward environmental sustainability, community partnerships and learning through inquiry. We offer the B.C. Provincial Curriculum guided by the principles of conversation, contemplation and collaboration. Our goal is for all children and adults to be actively engaged in meaningful, relevant learning opportunities in a community of belonging that inspires an orientation to global citizenship.
Relationships with the University’s Faculty of Education, Burnaby City’s Parks and Recreation, and the UniverCity Community Trust nurture and enrich the standard of excellence found in all Burnaby schools. Our very enthusiastic and committed parent group is invaluable and, with students and staff, building a dynamic and inclusive school culture.
We have an excellent staff committed to providing a safe and caring environment that respects and responds to each learner. Together, with students, parents and community members, we have created four school beliefs (respect, responsibility, safety and kindness) and a school plan. We are pursuing areas of interest and passion academically, artistically, athletically and socially.
If you would like more information about our school, please contact me at lindsay.holliday@burnabyschools.ca
Visitors are always welcome!