News Archive, Recent News

First Term Point of Progress

Schools in Burnaby, and several districts across the province, are participating in a pilot for communicating student learning during the 2020-2021 school year.  The pilot meets the BC Ministry of Education reporting guidelines, achieves the goal of communicating learning so that parents are well informed of their child’s progress and addresses the challenges of this school year.

Term 1 will be considered an informal point of progress.   Points of progress are the meaningful, varied, and responsive ways in which teachers provide parents with information about how their child is progressing in relation to the learning standards and what the child can do to extend their understanding.  Families will be provided descriptive feedback that focusses on literacy, numeracy and areas that require support.  At University Highlands, our formal points of student progress, using the four-point provincial proficiency scale for all areas of learning, will be issued in March and June.

At University Highlands, families will receive this first point of progress in the form of a portfolio share or written informal report on December 11, 2020.

Information on the Provincial Pilot can be found here:

We thank you for being partners in your child’s learning.