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Family Literacy Day – January 27



Literacy Week is just around the corner, this year it will run from January 25th – 29th and we have many interesting activities planned for everyone. Please note the following specific activities which may require your support, they are optional, but we’d love to see you give it a try.

WEAR WORDS WEDNESDAY : Wednesday, January 27

Share the love for words by wearing an item of clothing or accessory with (school appropriate) words on it.

LITERACY BINGO : Thursday January 28

A bingo card will go home with students with various activities in each square. Complete a line or make it a family challenge to do them all! Hand in your Bingo cards back to your classroom teacher by Thursday, January 28th for a chance to win a prize.

BOOKMARK CONTEST : Thursday January 28

We know our students are bursting with creativity, so why not share it on a bookmark? A blank bookmark with a criteria list will be available to students who feel up to the challenge. Return them by Thursday, January 28th. Ms. McLeod will choose several winners for amazing book prizes

Family Literacy Day takes place every January 27th to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. Since 1999, thousands of schools, libraries, literacy organizations and other community groups have taken part in the initiative. ABC creates free learning and promotional resources for anyone that wants to get involved. Taking time every day to read or do a learning activity with children is crucial to a child’s development, improving a child’s literacy skills dramatically, and can help a parent improve their skills as well.  Click here for more information on Family Literacy Day.