Just a reminder that at this meeting there will be nominations of the PAC executives for the Annual General Meeting on April 30th. If you are unable to attend but would like to nominate someone or yourself, you can still do so at the AGM or if you prefer, you can email your nominations to the PAC at universityhighlands.pac@burnabyschools.ca. Please make sure you get a confirmation email in return. If you don’t, then please follow up to make sure your nomination went through otherwise your nomination will not be valid. The PAC Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary positions all need to be filled as the current executives’ term is ending. As a reminder, all parents and guardians of UHE students are members of the PAC and thus are entitled to a voice and are eligible to be nominated to the executive and vote at PAC meetings. A description of each PAC position is at the end of this notice.
At 5:30pm, the doors will open and we will have refreshments, sandwiches, desserts before the meeting. The meeting will be held in Room 106. All are welcome.
Please feel free to bring your child(ren) as there will be childminding provided.