You are cordially invited to our next General PAC meeting on Tuesday night, January 29th in the school library.
At 5:30pm, the doors will open and we will have refreshments, sandwiches, desserts before the meeting. All are welcome. The meeting is 6:00-7:30.
Please feel free to bring your child(ren) as there will be childminding provided.
As a reminder, all parents and guardians of UHE students are members of the PAC and entitled to a voice and a vote at PAC meetings.
Please find the meeting agenda below. Hope to see many of you there.
- Welcome and introductions
- Approval of agenda
- Principal’s Report
- Finance report & budget
- DPAC Report
- Fundraising
- Pancake breakfast update
- UHE holiday concert fundraiser update
- Winter Holiday sponsoring two families in need through Burnaby Christmas Bureau update
- Popcorn sale update
- St. John Ambulance emergency kit update
- Family Photoshoot update
- Hot Lunch update
- BC Agriculture in the classroom
- Review and approval of minutes from the November PAC meeting
- Open Discussion
- Adjourned 7:30